Insert the Destinations Disk

When I turned on the new Windows Sidebar in Vista the other day, the Windows Installer popped up, displaying the Preparing to install… message. Then, another dialog box appeared with the message The feature you are trying to use is on a CD-ROM or other removable...

Simplifying Website Management with CMS

Whoa! Before you design and build an entire website packed with HTML (HyperText Markup Lanaguage) pages, learn a little something about CMS (Content Management System), such as Drupal, Joomla, or WebYep. A typical CMS provides a collection of tools that enable you to...

Tip: Expand and Restore Windows

If you still use the Maximize and Restore buttons in the upper right corner of a program’s window, you probably waste a lot of time trying to get the mouse pointer positioned precisely over the desired button, especially if you’re using your notebook...